Für JavaScript/HTML5-Entwickler

Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts - release 8.3

We just released version 8.3 of the Visual Scheduling Widget Standard Edition (short: VSW SE) for HTML5 Gantt charts. This minor release contains the following enhancements and improvements:

Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts - release 8.2

We just released version 8.2 of the Visual Scheduling Widget Standard Edition (short: VSW SE) for HTML5 Gantt charts. This minor release comes with three new enhancements.

Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts - release 8.1

We just released version 8.1 of our Visual Scheduling Widget Standard Edition (short: VSW SE) for HTML5 Gantt charts. With this blog post, we would like to inform you about three enhancements, to...

Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts - release 8.0

We just released version 8.0 of our Visual Scheduling Widget Standard Edition (short: VSW SE) for HTML5 Gantt charts. With this major release, besides others, you get extraordinary new link...

How to visualize skilled resources in an HTML5 Gantt chart

Since the last major release the Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts provides a view that shows resources grouped by skills. It combines two concepts for structuring data: hierarchically...

Update 3 of the Model for Resource Planning HTML5 Gantt Charts

Almost exactly one year ago I reported about the second update of NETRONIC's Resource Planning Model. Since this model is essential for understanding the basic concepts of our products like our...

Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts - release 7.0

We just released a new version of our Visual Scheduling Widget, to offer you even more functionality to create powerful HTML5/JavaScript Gantt charts. With version 7.0 you will get a new view type...

CSS Custom Properties for Coloring the Visual Scheduling Widget

In this blog post, you will learn an alternative approach to coloring the Visual Scheduling Widget - VSW for short - using CSS custom properties instead of calls to the widget’s API.

Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts - release 6.4

With planning boards, you often need a quick overview of jobs, tasks or resources. It helps to sort the entries in the table part. In the past releases of our Visual Scheduling Widget (short VSW SE),...

Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts - release 6.3

We have added more functionality to our HTML5/JavaScript Gantt chart widgets. With the release of version 6.3 of our Visual Scheduling Widget (in short: VSW-SE) you can now intuitively drag&drop rows...

Für .NET-Entwickler

How to visualize skilled resources in an HTML5 Gantt chart

Since the last major release the Visual Scheduling Widget for HTML5 Gantt charts provides a view that shows resources grouped by skills. It combines two concepts for structuring data: hierarchically...

Gantt chart Tip: How to visualize rest times with VARCHART XGantt

Whether an operation needs a rest time after processing and how long this will be is an important information for the production planner and hence should be visualized in his planning table. In the...

VARCHART XGantt .NET Best Practice: Swap Tasks Via Table Interactively

VARCHART XGantt is a powerful Gantt control (.NET and ActiveX edition) enabling you to create intelligent Gantt charts with little effort. Recently, one of our customers contacted us having a quite...

From Awful to Awesome Progress Visualization in Gantt Charts

First of all, I have to clarify that this blog post is not(!) about progress bars as we all know well from installing software or from downloading files. But this post is about the visualization of...

Three Steps to Add a Comfortable Sorting Option to Grouped Gantt Charts

Most people are used to a comfortable sorting option, like, e.g. in the Windows Explorer: Clicking the table header of a column will sort the files in in ascending or descending order, this being...

New in XGantt #2: Enhanced Snap Tools Ease Dragging in Gantt Control

Two weeks ago, I started my series of blogs about the new version (5.1) of VARCHART XGantt by describing the new graphical features of our Gantt chart control. The release notes of this new version...

New in XGantt #1: Striking Graphical Features for Vivid Gantt Charts

A new version (5.1) of VARCHART XGantt, our Gantt control for creating powerful Gantt charts, has been released recently. You can find the complete release notes here. We’ve come up with so much new...

Developer Trick: Duration in Tooltip of .NET Gantt Chart Control

This blog post addresses software developers building visual scheduling applications or considering to develop a graphical planning board with our .NET Gantt chart control VARCHART XGantt. It shows...

Intelligent Gantt Chart Interactions Allow Context-Sensitive Decisions

Interactive Gantt charts are a proven and powerful tool to help organizations deal with time-related and resource-oriented planning and scheduling data. Being interactive, they enable users to...

Position Nodes in Gantt Charts With a Snap

Project and production planner appreciate working with interactive Gantt charts because they enable them to easily re-plan orders, tasks or resources by shifting them back and forth. However,...