Visual Scheduling Widget - Standard Edition

Start with reading the Model for Resource Planning HTML5 Gantt Charts. This document is essential for understanding the basic concepts and will help you map your own data/business model to the widget model and the associated visualizations.

Learn more by studying the Functional Definition Document to get an overview of the widget's functionality.

When you start integrating the widget into your application, the short Integration Guide will give you valuable hints on how to perform this task.

Become familiar with all details of Application Programming Interface by using the Interface Definition Document.

Model for Resource Planning HTML5 Gantt Charts

Functional Definition Document

Integration Guide for the NETRONIC Visual Scheduling Widget

Interface Definition Document

Product Info

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VARCHART XGantt manuals & How-Tos

Make your first steps with VARCHART XGantt or dig deeper and become an absolute expert in creating interactive .NET Gantt charts within the Microsoft development environment. No matter how you use VARCHART XGantt, our detailed documentation supplies all information needed. The manual is structured as follows: Start with the tutorial, become familiar with important concepts, property pages and dialogs, increase your knowledge of the user interface, learn more by studying the FAQ or consult the API reference. 


VARCHART XGantt .NET Edition Manual

VARCHART XGantt ActiveX Edition Manual


How to use VARCHART XGantt in Visual Studio 2022

XGantt in projects for the target platform AnyCPU





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VARCHART JGantt manual

The Reference Guide offers in-depth information for experienced VARCHART JGantt developers, describing every detail on AppData, Calendars, DiagramControlPanel, GanttGraph, histogram, scheduler, table and many more other classes.

Beginners are recommended to have a look at the sample collection (Samples Browser) that is included in the download of VARCHART JGantt. The collection contains a great number of code examples and sample applications with complete source code.

VARCHART JGantt Manual

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VARCHART XNet manual

Make your first steps with VARCHART XNet or dig deeper and become an absolute expert in creating interactive .NET net charts within the Microsoft development environment. No matter how you use VARCHART NET, our detailed documentation supplies all the information needed. The manual is structured as follows:

Start with the tutorial, become familiar with important concepts, property pages, and dialogs, increase your knowledge of the user interface, learn more by studying the FAQ, or consult the API reference. 

VARCHART XNet .NET Edition Manual

VARCHART XNet ActiveX Edition Manual


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VARCHART XTree manuals

Make your first steps with VARCHART XTree or dig deeper and become an absolute expert in creating interactive .NET Tree charts within the Microsoft development environment. No matter how you use VARCHART XTree, our detailed documentation supplies all information needed. The manual is structured as follows: Start with the tutorial, become familiar with important concepts, property pages and dialogs, increase your knowledge of the user interface, learn more by studying the FAQ or consult the API reference. 

VARCHART XTree .NET Edition Manual

VARCHART XTree ActiveX Edition Manual

Product Info

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