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Ebook| How to Spice Up Gantt Charts With Intelligent Colors

How to spice up Gantt charts with intelligent colors

Ebook|11 Best Practice Tips for Advanced Gantt Visualization

11 best practice tips for advanced Gantt visualization

Ebook|10 Graphical Functions a Production Planning Table Should Offer

10 graphical functions a production planning table should offer

Ebook| 9 Basic Design Tipps for Gantt Charts

9 basic design tips for user-friendly Gantt charts

Ebook| The Ultimate Gantt Chart Cheat Sheet_Cover

The ultimate Gantt chart cheat sheet


Whitepaper| Gantt Chart Tips - Interaction Events with VARCHART XGantt

Interaction events: context-sensitive decision support during drag & drop actions

Whitepaper| Gantt Chart Tips - Draggings Tools VARCHART XGantt

Dragging tools: more transparency and speed for drag & drop actions

Whitepaper| Simplify Production Scheduling With Intelligent Gantt Charts

Simplify production scheduling with intelligent Gantt chart visualization




Checklist| For Developing Gantt Chart Applications That Users Love

The ultimate checklist for developing Gantt chart applications that users love

Checklist| Graphical Functions of Visual Planning Board

10 important graphical functions a visual planning board should have

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