Production scheduling for configure-to-order manufacturing:

Remove data ambiguity and increase your on-time deliveries.

Production scheduling for configure-to-order manufacturing Business Central

Learn how to achieve this by watching our on demand webinar here

Get the formula for sustainable configure-to-order success.

Dozens of customers on all 5 continents and counting

  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - Aste Finland
  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - Allied Modular
  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - Brugg
  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - evapco
  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - iPac
  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - Kalvarija
  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - Werther
  • VAPS customer configure-to-order manufacturing - Modus

Case study - production scheduling for configure-to-order manufacturing

How Adix achieved accurate delivery times, savings in transportation costs, as well as happier customers and employees

Working with the VAPS helped Adix

  • To achieve an improvement in delivery times accuracy by up to 90 %
  • in the wake of this, significant savings in transportation costs
  • a more stable schedule, fewer ad-hoc schedule changes,
  • and thus comprehensively improved employee satisfaction thanks to a better, now also longer-term, plannability of the production

Proven benefits for configure-to-order manufacturers when applying visual, yet advanced production scheduling

Achieve >90% on-time deliveries

Accept 10% more orders

Have 100% shopfloor transparency

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Visual, yet advanced production scheduling gives you 100% transparency of what is happening on the shopfloor: you will never hear the “where is that production order?” question.

As a consequence, you better understand your capacity. This allows you to accept more orders – without increasing capacity.

For those new orders, you will be able to make more reliable delivery time commitments.

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4 production scheduling features configure-to-order manufacturing customers highly appreciate

Gain transparency thanks to a visual approach

Create a simulation of your production schedule, and see your entire schedule in a compelling visual way. 

See at one glance, where you are facing overloads as Business Central scheduled new production orders with the assumption of infinite capacity. Quickly identify production orders where you run in danger that they finish late. And, even better: Spot those production orders, where you have material availability issues.

Remove data ambiguity. Gain transparency.

Efficiently schedule new orders - get realistic delivery times quickly

Configure-to-order production scheduling - VAPS - Sales Order View

Have a customer who is calling? Asking for an urgent delivery? Expecting a fast delivery time commitment from you? Does this cause stress?

With the VAPS you are able to give your customer a realistic delivery time commitment fast. It is realistic because it considers finite capacity. And it is realistic because it considers material availability.

Stop being stressed by taking customer calls. Enjoy that your superior product quality drives interest.

Combine manpower-related scheduling with machine scheduling

Your production is hybrid.

You produce and sub-assemble your components on stock. You do this in your own machine shop and require efficient automatic machine shop scheduling.

Then, you assemble your standardized components for the specific final delivery. This is labor-intense work done by assembly teams. You need to schedule them as well. However, the teams' capacity is larger than one, and it fluctuates as employees go on vacation, sick leave, etc.

Hence, you need the combination of efficient finite capacity scheduling with the flexibility of team scheduling.

Configure-to-order production scheduling - VAPS - Machine and People Scheduling

Squeeze in a rush order and see the downstream impact

Configure-to-order production scheduling - VAPS Squeeze in Rush Order

Do you have an already full schedule? Do you aim at running the next weeks at almost full capacity? And do you already know that these next few weeks will be tight and stressful?

Typically, this is the moment when your most important customer calls. And requests that "boss job", that rush order.

Your experience tells you: if you squeeze in that rush order, many other production orders will suffer and turn late. With the VAPS, you can simulate that. You can see exactly which production orders are affected. And how much they will be late.

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Licenses and subscriptions

Our license and subscription fees vary depending on the number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central full users according to the PartnerSource Business Center.


We offer a fixed-price "VAPS implementation and consulting" service. It consists of 3 days of workshops or 3 days of remote training.

We follow a templated approach that has been proven with numerous configure-to-order manufacturers.

Customers signing up for the "VAPS implementation and consulting" package get one-year free access to the VAPS video training course.


Get a price

How to get started

Jump-start your configure-to-order production scheduling


We make visual, yet advanced production scheduling fast and easy to implement for configure-to-order manufacturers working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Getting you live in less than a week.



We review how Business Central manufacturing is set up for you. Then we suggest changes to make it better aligned with your scheduling goals.


You get hands-on training from our scheduling experts. We use our data to explain all concept. Then you learn with your data, and within your environment.


We configure the VAPS together with you. We make sure it does what it should do. We work with you on the small subtle settings - that typically make the difference.



Learning a software is the one thing. Making regular use of it the more important one. We will establish scheduling routines to ensure ongoing scheduling success.


Production scheduling for configure-to-order FAQs

Answers to common questions.

Why buy from you? What makes you so special?
We are no start-up playing around with somebody else's money. We are a profitably growing company and built all our visual scheduling extensions from our own operating cash flow. As a company, we have 40+ years of experience developing visual scheduling software. We are convinced that this depth and breadth of experience are unique.
Who are you guys, anyway?
We are NETRONIC Software from Aachen (Germany). We are a family-owned business run by the brothers Dr. Elmar and Dr. Martin Karlowitsch. Our company was founded in the mid 70ies already. Elmar and Martin represent the second generation of the company management and took over the company via a management buy-out. We have customers on all 5 continents and also employ a very international team.
What happens if I wait?
The phone will ring, and your best customer will request an urgent production order. You will have to squeeze it in - without knowing the impact on other production orders. You will start flying blind again, and rather soon your life will be chaotic fire-fighting again. In the midst of all chaos, a machine will break down and things will get worse. Sub-assemblies will become late, and you won't be sure which production orders are impacted. This will be (at the latest) the next time that you wish you had started working with a professional production scheduling solution already.
What results will I actually get from this?
You will win transparency about your production orders, and your work centers as well as your machine centers. Actionable information will help you to increase your on-time deliveries, to cut down lead times, and to improve your throughput. You will see which sub-assemblies impact which production. Plus: you will have the earliest material availability information on hand. As a result, you will experience profitable growth of your shop - without being in a constant chaotic fire-fighting mode.
What makes the VAPS special for me as a configure-to-order manufacturer?

We have been working with many companies that are like yours. Manufacturers that assemble unique products against concrete sales orders with tight deadlines. In order to produce those unique deliveries in time, you need to handle a complex sub-assembly production. As such, your process is a production that combines a machine shop with a labor-intense assembly. 

The VAPS is made to cope with the resulting challenges. It helps identify late jobs. It provides transparency of your product/sub-assembly network. It schedules based on the earliest material availability and considers capacity restrictions.

What do you mean by "integrated" into Business Central?

The VAPS is an extension that is fully integrated into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. 

Integration means:

  • The VAPS reads from production orders, production order lines, production order routing lines as well as work centers, machine centers, and capacity ledger (to name a few).
  • The VAPS writes into production orders, production order lines, production order routing lines as well as capacity absence, and calendar entries (to name a few).
  • The VAPS scheduling logic happens within Business Central. Hence, your data does never leave Business Central. 
Does the VAPS also work with other ERP systems?

The VAPS is an extension that we purposely made for Dynamics 365 Business Central. You cannot get it for any other ERP system.

Being made for Business Central, the VAPS knows Business Central and is as tightly integrated into Business Central as possible.

It is not a general-purpose scheduling software to which Business Central is "just another" ERP system to connect to. The VAPS is exclusive. It is Business Central only.

Is the VAPS cloud-only?

No, the VAPS is not cloud-only.

If you run Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises, you can buy a VAPS license and install it locally.

If you run Business Central in the Microsoft cloud, you can get the VAPS from AppSource.

What does "VAPS certified" partner mean?

We have partners who decided to go deep with respect to the VAPS. These partners did a qualification program with us that enables them to implement the VAPS without our help.

Typically, these partners have one or more employees dedicated to manufacturing and the VAPS. 

"VAPS certified" means that these partners committed both time and money (yes: they need to pay for the certification) to the VAPS.

Can I get the VAPS from a non "VAPS certified" partner?

Yes, of course.

Every Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central partner who has a valid reseller agreement with us can sell the VAPS.

However, if your partner is not "VAPS certified", you have to get all VAPS services, training, and consulting from us.

Learn more 

We have been developing the Visual Advanced Production Scheduler for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central based on our experience from working with hundreds of Business Central customers since 2013.

The VAPS is no static product. We continuously invest in the extension and ship one new version per quarter. Each time with new (advanced) scheduling functionality.

Learn more about the VAPS - the Visual Advanced Production Scheduler for Dynamics 365 Business Central
