We consider product maintenance just as important as the development of new features & products. Our regular service releases offer our customers constantly revised versions of our products, comprising updates, bug fixes, and product enhancements. This is a free service for customers with a valid support & maintenance agreement.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.25 |
Build | |
Date | 3 February 2025 |
No enhancements in this release.
Splitting did not consider the Job Planning Line currency
Validate quantity on Job Planning Lines set the unit cost to the selected resource’s unit cost even if the unit cost was zero. This is not intended for splitting and will now only copy the unit cost when a new Job Planning Line is created via Creation Mode.
If the field size exceeds the limit during transfer to visualization, the text is now trimmed to fit the field length in the table.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.24 |
Build | |
Date | 10 October 2024 |
Significantly improved reload performance.
New setup options to improve the visual responsiveness and performance when navigating big plans.
Overlap symbols did not show in some cases.
Corrupted work description BLOB led to errors.
Multiple progress dialog issues.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.23 |
Build | |
Date | 24 July 2024 |
Two new “Layout” options in the “Appearance” area of the VJS setup:
“Show Details” opens the layout card of the selected layout and offers several customization options, like table width, bar height offset, etc.
“Select From Full List” leads to the layout list where you can modify, add, and delete your layout configurations.
Several context menu issues.
In some cases, the Resources View remained empty
Strange scrolling behavior in the graphical interface.
Expanding and shrinking the page sometimes didn’t work correctly.
Error opening “Show Details” page for Layouts on the Setup Page.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.23 |
Build | |
Date | 3 July 2024 |
The save progress dialog popped up on closing the Visual Jobs Scheduler when nothing had been changed.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.22 |
Build | |
Date | 28 March 2024 |
The VJS now enables the new AppSourceTransact capability, allowing users to purchase VJS licenses through AppSource directly. This enhanced connectivity provides a seamless experience for users to access and acquire the necessary licenses. The transition to this new system also applies to existing customers.
For detailed information, please see the article in our knowledge base How to deploy the VJS into a cloud infrastructure?
Decoupled views (capacity – resource view)
For maintenance reasons and to remain fit for the future, we have decoupled the capacity view from the resource view so that from now on there will be no inherited properties between activities and allocations.
It took a long time for the “Sort order” dialog to close when a lot of data was loaded.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.21 |
Build | |
Date | 31 January 2024 |
Performance improvement for environments with a lot of resources and employees.
Links were loaded two times when the VJS was started.
Too many bars were updated during link creation.
Links between job tasks will now be scheduled correctly when “Schedule Successors” is called:
In certain constellations, links between job tasks were treated as if they had a duration of 1 instead of a duration of 0.
In some cases, the duration kept increasing.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.20 |
Build | |
Date | 11 December 2023 |
Performance improvement for environments with a lot of resources and employees.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.20 |
Build | |
Date | 28 November 2023 |
The “Progress” dialog was called too fast after its last update and sometimes didn’t change its header correctly
Job tasks with empty Job Task No. were loaded and caused unrelated errors. Now this doesn’t happen anymore and a warning message will appear in these cases.
Job tasks and job planning lines stayed in their old places when their job was moved because of a “Schedule successors” call.
API: links reappeared after having been deleted.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.20 |
Build | |
Date | 30 September 2023 |
A new info window shows progress information while the data are being loaded/reloaded to the VJS.
Use of flow fields within table extensions to simulation tables for tooltips, bar, and table labels
Until now, flow fields could be created in the original tables of Business Central or its extensions and calculated as required via the OnBeforeTransfer events.
Now - under certain conditions - flow fields can also be created directly in NETRONIC's own simulation tables and used for tooltips, bar, and table labels.
Important: Only persistent records can serve as the basis for calculating the values in the formulas for the flow fields, i.e. values that come about as a result of interactive rescheduling in the planning board are not included in the calculation. In addition, there is no event that is triggered before the value of the flow field is calculated. Therefore, it is not possible, for example, to use a date filter to restrict the calculation to dynamic values. Therefore, the feature should only be used in combination with values from standard Business Central tables.
Performance improvements.
Percentage was shown on parent job tasks.
The notification for the violation of the end date did not update correctly.
In some cases, links could not be deleted.
Fields could not be moved up in the tooltip definition
Excessive recursion error in CodeUnit 5529043 in handleOnTransfer is fixed.
Creating an absence at a time when an allocation already exists caused a crash on reload.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.19 |
Build | |
Date | 30 June 2023 |
Some links could not be deleted
When creating tooltip, label, and table definitions, a search is now made for double entries
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.18 |
Build | |
Date | 12 May 2023 |
Please note: All methods with an “obsolete” flag were set to “internal”
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.18 |
Build | |
Date | 31 March 2023 |
Output of decimal values: It is now possible to round the decimal places that are displayed in the tooltip, on the bars and in the table.
Performance improvements.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.17 |
Build | |
Date | 23 December 2022 |
Refined handling of operations whose start or end date is outside the defined timeframe:
If the length of a job planning line is calculated by the VJS and the bar is moved before the start of the working area, the bar will be highlighted by a warning symbol and a border pattern.
An average capacity (loaded capacity / loaded days) is used for the days within the time frame.
If a bar gets moved beyond the end of the timeframe by scheduling, its start date will be set to the last day within the view instead.
A warning symbol is shown when a resource without capacities is loaded.
When splitting a job planning line, the line type was not set correctly.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.16 |
Build | |
Date | 5 December 2022 |
No enhancements in this release.
Link warnings did not update correctly.
Job planning lines created in the creation mode were duplicated when saving if the last job planning line of the job task was not visible in the view.
Context menus were shown in English, although German was set as language.
The histogram value was not calculated correctly when "Calculate Job Planning Line Duration" was disabled
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.16 |
Build | |
Date | 4 November 2022 |
Like tooltips and bar labels, the texts in tables can now also be defined as having more than one line.
API: Two new functions allow to call the VJS with predefined data and/or view filter from an external BC page. When the VJS is started this way the startup filter dialog will not be shown.
Data filter:
procedure presetFilters(var pJobRecord: Record Job; var pJobTaskRecord: Record "Job Task"; var pResourceGroup: Record "Resource Group"; var pResource: Record
View filter:
procedure presetViewFilters(var pJobRecord: Record Job; var pJobTaskRecord: Record "Job Task"; var pResourceGroup: Record "Resource Group"; var pResource: Record Resource)
Improved performance on closing the Setup page.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.15 |
Build | |
Date | 4 August 2022 |
Improved handling of operations whose start or end date is outside the defined timeframe:
The operation is highlighted with a dashed frame.
If a planned end date is set for a job planning line, no more capacity is displayed.
If the length of a job planning line is calculated by the VJS and the bar is pushed over the end of the working area, the capacity of the days within the timeframe is displayed and the capacity for the days outside the timeframe is not displayed/discarded.
35% load performance increase (sample data with 100 jobs, 88 resources, 516 job tasks, 2393 job planning lines).
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.15 |
Build | |
Date | 30 June 2022 |
A vertical line is now shown at the end date of the currently selected job. This helps plan job tasks and job planning lines in larger jobs where the job bar might be outside of the current view.
Performance improvements.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.14 |
Build | |
Date | 1 April 2022 |
Link conflicts are now indicated by a warning symbol on the participating element, its parent elements, and in the Gantt chart table header. For activating this option an according switch was added to the "General" area of the VJS user setup.
In some cases, bars could not be moved to the past if that action would have caused a link conflict and were scheduled instead.
Business Central warning about "reduced functionality" when handling events from our Javascript add-in.
Renaming jobs and job tasks no longer causes problems with links.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.13 |
Build | |
Date | 20 December 2021 |
Extended tooltip configuration: it is now possible to customize the tooltips for resource groups, resources, and resource summaries.
In the Job View you can now also sort by status.
Resources and resource group data filter entries will now limit the Job Planning Lines the user can see and interact with. Hiding resources via the view filter also hides the corresponding Job Planning Lines.
Integer overflow and interaction error in resource view.
Adjust sort order of pseudo resource group resources.
Unable to start link creation on job tasks and jobs.
When opening the “Sort Order” dialog on a collapsed job or job task, the job or job task got expanded.
Tooltips on curves were missing.
Summary bars seemed to be dependent of the visibility of its sub-elements. If a sub element got filtered via a view filter, the summary bars changed.
"Start New Link Creation" caused the “Save” dialog to be shown when using "Reload".
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.12 |
Build | |
Date | 22 November 2021 |
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.12 |
Build | |
Date | 27 October 2021 |
Consideration of employee absence: Absence times of employees that are linked to resources can now be visualized in the calendar color and histogram capacity curve. This feature can be ticked on or off by a new option in the VJS user setup.
Change sorting: A new dialog, which is opened via a corresponding entry in the context menus of almost all elements, can be used to configure the sorting of the respective element. The configuration can also be done in the user setup, like the configuration of tooltip, label, and table texts.
Automatically adjusting items to changes of job task You can now have job planning lines of the type “item” be moved automatically according to the changes of their job task when saving in the VJS. This can be activated in the company setup of the VJS.
Items visible: on the item card you can define that you want to see and schedule job planning lines using this item in the VJS. This is useful for specific items for which you may want to define the timing more closely.
Tooltip delay: You can now define a delay time after which the tooltip should appear. This is done in the user setup in the “Appearance” area.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.11 |
Build | |
Date | 5 August 2021 |
Show allocations on a job in the job line: A new option was added in the“Appearance” area of the user settings that allows to highlight all dates on the job line in the Gantt view on which job planning lines are planned and occupy resources.
Link duration: You can now define the duration of a link when creating a new one or editing an existing one. This link duration will be considered after a drag and drop interaction or after scheduling successors. If the time interval between the linked elements is smaller than the specified link duration, the link will appear in red.
Edit links: The new context menu item “Adjust links” lets you edit a link to modify its type and/or duration.
Creating or splitting multiple job planning lines in one session caused multiplication of job planning lines and a target switch of links on the job task.
Schedule successors did not consider all links in a longer link chain.
An error occurred if a job task did not have job planning lines while it was part of an interaction
If a link pointed to a job with user-defined starting and ending dates, this job would shrink down to a single day in length.
Parallel links were not considered correctly
After searching for a job planning line, the “Expand All” function did not work correctly.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.11 |
Build | |
Date | 30 June 2021 |
New search dialogs: In the Job View it is now possible to search for jobs, job tasks and job planning lines, in the Resource View for job planning lines and resources and in the Histogram View for resources. The found element is indicated by a blinking frame and, if possible, selected, so that the links are shown. If a view filter is active the search dialog will only show the visible elements in the VJS.
The search dialogs can also be personalized the same way as is done in Business Central, by adding columns in the fields list.
Filter on Job Tasks: The data filter and view filter have been extended to include the job task table. This will enable users who only want to see a specific portion of big jobs to do so. Since this data filter may result in a list of projects for which no project tasks were found, there will be a message for the user indicating that the specified filter conditions did not allow for any job tasks to be loaded.
Improved distribution logic: Currently, the VJS will either show all job planning lines as allocated to the planning date or, if activated, will calculate and visualize the allocation according to the available resource capacities and allocate all capacities starting from the planning date until the quantity has been fully allocated. This follows the idea that as soon as a job planning line is assigned to a planning date and a resource that all efforts of the resource should immediately be dedicated to this job planning line.
This has now been extended to allow the users to supply a “planned end date” on the job planning lines page, on which the work for that job planning line should be completed. This means that with the planning date as a start and with the planned end date as end, the VJS can then visualize a proportional usage over all available dates with capacity between the start and end for this job planning line. This gives the user and the resource a more realistic approach to plan the intended workload over a certain amount of time and leave it to the resource to fulfill the workload at their own pace.
Automatically generated translations were removed and exchanged by manually created proper English and German translations. For partners wanting to create a translation in their own language, we provide the English xlf files as a basis.
API: A new set of OnBeforeTransfer events was added. These events can be used to modify Business Central data before transferring them into our simulation data. This way, the customer can use flow fields, for example. The values of a field class Flowfield of standard BC are dynamically calculated and can be used in fields added by partners, but currently, they are not triggered to get calculated during data transmission from Business Central to the SIM tables. By using the new events, these fields can nevertheless be processed in a meaningful way and can be provided for tooltip, bar, and label texts. The partner enhances the BC as well as the SIM tables by new fields accordingly. The events occur on loading and are structured as follows:
OnBeforeTransferBCTableName(pClientGuid: Guid; var pBCTableNameRecord: Record “ BCTableName” var pHandled: Boolean)
BCTableName has to be replaced with the concrete table name. The following tables can be used:
The event delivers the BC record to be transferred. Then an own or an already existing FlowFilter can be set and FlowField values fields be calculated – the new value will be stored in the record. After this, the VJS will process the record and transfer it to the SIM tables. The calculated value is then used as well but it is also possible to describe “nonFlowFields” so that the BC data for the simulation can be modified. These data can be displayed in tooltip, bar, or table.
Scheduling performance enhancements.
When dragging a new job planning line from the entity list, the newly created job planning line would start at the date indicated by the mouse cursor, not the date the bar was visualized at during the interaction.
After loading or reloading data from Business Central it could happen that an interaction on an element with a link did not adhere to that link at all.
If you opened the Toggle Creation Mode with an active view filter, the view filter was only applied to the Creation Mode table if you switched to a different view and back.
Jobs with a manual end date were visually extended when a job planning line got moved past the end date.
In the case of a job with a manually set ending date but a blank starting date it could happen that the error message “Date is invalid” popped up and the VJS aborted the loading process.
Changes to links were not reset when a reload was performed without saving.
In certain situations, the VJS format strings "(" and ")" were automatically removed from the table and bar configurations
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.10 |
Build | |
Date | 31 March 2021 |
Links on all levels: It is now possible to create links between jobs, job tasks, and job planning lines, which are also being considered during interactions. These links can also be created between different levels, e.g., job-to-job planning line and job task to job.
Extensibility of the app: Partners can now make changes to the Visual Jobs Scheduler via an extension. Specifically, this means that baseline information can be defined for job planning lines for comparison with a previous state.
The information about the last used data and view filter is now saved correctly again.
Unintended link deletion has been corrected.
A validation error when saving a job planning line with an alternative unit of measurement has been fixed.
The calendar in resource lines now reflects the available capacity on that date.
In the tooltip, label, and table configuration, fields of the type Boolean and Time can now also be selected.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.9 |
Build | |
Date | 17 December 2020 |
The notifications window can now be switched off by a new option in the VJS User Setup dialog.
Support of alternative connection to Microsoft’s Base App.. Requires Dynamics 365 BC v16.4 and higher.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.8 |
Build | |
Date | 2 October 2020 |
Changing the quantity of a job planning line:
A dialog for changing the quantity of a a job planning line can be opened via a context menu.
When a new job planning line is created, the dialog in which the quantity can be defined opens.
When splitting existing job planning lines, the quantity is no longer automatically distributed equally to both lines but can be defined in the dialog.
A histogram view is now available.
The texts in tables can be designed individually, in analogy to tooltip and bar label.
Link structures created in the VJS will now be copied when you copy the job or job tasks.
Error upon calculating a job planning line when a resource capacity was changed
Error upon creating a new job planning line in case of already existing job planning lines.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.7 |
Build | |
Date | 22 June 2020 |
The bar label can be customized in the “Setup” dialog. The new "format strings" allow, among other things, the multi-line display of the label or the separation of the individual fields by a "|".
In this context, the new feature “Extendible bar text separator” was added that is to be implemented by the partner.
The setup dialog was enhanced by the option to select the view the VJS shows upon starting.
New section “Appearance” in the “Settings” dialog where you can specify
The zoom factor in %
The layout: In the "Compact" layout, the display is reduced as much as possible to provide a better overview, especially with large plans.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.6 |
Build | |
Date | 3 April 2020 |
Customizable tooltip the settings of which are made in a new dialog in the “User" setup.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.5 |
Build | |
Date | 6 February 2020 |
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.4 |
Build | |
Date | 27 November 2019 |
The “User Setup” dialog was enhanced by an option that lets you determine whether the “Data Filter” dialog comes up on starting the VJS or not.
The “Data Filter” dialog can be called any time by clicking “Choose data filter” in the “User Setup” dialog.
The user can now define individual colors for jobs that are used for the job line and all of its job planning lines. For this, a new option has been added to the Job card.
A new context menu for either table line or bar allows to collapse/expand all levels below the current one.
The resource summary bar can be set to “hidden” in the “Company Setup” dialog. This is useful for companies with processes including either serveral allocations per resource for one job task or considerably more than two resources per job task.
The notification window now also pops up in case of a resource overload.
The dialog “VJS Company Setup” can be opened from within the VJS via the “Administration” item.
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.3 |
Build | |
Date | 9 October 2019 |
New data filter that applies already at the data interface to reduce the amount of loaded data. When the VJS is started, a dialog pops up where you can edit, create and apply data filters. The filter settings of the currently active data filter can be edited in the new “Edit Data Filter” dialog, to be found in the “Setup” dialog“. You can filter by
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.2 |
Build | |
Date | 30 August 2019 |
The planning line quantity can now be calculated and distributed taking into account the resources’ capacity. Since this is a company-wide setting, we implemented a new dialog “VJS Company Settings” where “Calculate Job Planning Line Duration” has to be ticked for activating the feature.
Days without capacity are taken into account when rescheduling job planning lines.
The feature “Plan successors” was renamed to “Schedule successors” and was also added to the context menu of the job planning lines.
The menu item “NETRONIC promoted” was renamed to “NETRONIC VJS”.
Links got lost during interactions.
When moving job planning lines by the job tasks, the links sometimes weren’t taken into account.
The length of the field “Description” in the “Jobs” table was adjusted to the length in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central,
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.1 |
Build | |
Date | 24 July 2019 |
A status window pops up during long calculations.
A new context menu enables creating links between job planning lines.
Possible relations:
Start-start (the successor must not start before the predecessor)
The new feature “Plan successors” which can be found as new entry in the menu ribbon, ensures that linked operations are processed without temporal offset. This applies for the selected node and all its successors.
Violated link orders are indicated by red link lines
List of fixed bugs
Starting the setup of the Visual Jobs Scheduler triggered an error message when the Visual Jobs Scheduler hadn’t been opened by the same user before
Product | Visual Jobs Scheduler |
Version | 1.0 |
Build | |
Date | 21 June 2019 |
The Jobs View provides an overview of all jobs and allows the drill down into project tasks and job planning lines.
The Resource View shows all project employees/ resources and their allocation to job planning lines.
The Creation mode allows to interactively assign a resource to a task or a job task to a resource by dragging it from a list to the chart.
Drag & drop changes to job tasks and job planning lines. If job tasks are moved, the related job planning lines are moved automatically.
Visual decision support in real-time.
Complete integration into the standard jobs and resource planning modules of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Fully designed and implemented as future-proof AL Extension.
Designed for data of Jobs and Resource Planning module
Integration as page in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Return to the product page of the Visual Jobs Scheduler (VJS) for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
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